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而面对面的活动又回来了, they are taking on different forms to accommodate a mix of elated exuberance and reserved reluctance, 重新定义了安全协议,增加了法规. 两所大学,一所私立大学, 另一个, a large public – were successful at navigating through it all and recently hosted some of the first live celebratory events on their campuses in years. 我们有机会和他们谈谈他们的经历.


安妮·迪安, 助理副总裁, Strategic Advancement Solutions at The George Washington University talked about GWU’s complex and extraordinary Centuries Celebration Weekend.


艾莉森·弗莱明·莱特纳, Capital Campaign Director at The University of Alabama shared how their campaign launch’s untraditional approach delighted the audience and carried more momentum than expected.


Institutions are analyzing the size and scope of in-person events post pandemic; you both recently launched major pre-pandemic-sized events. 事情进展如何??

作为乔治华盛顿大学200周年纪念的结束语, 我们的200周年庆典是最大的一次, 最近在乔治华盛顿大学校园里亲自举行的活动. While this event was always going to be a part of a larger Alumni and Friends Weekend, the decision was made to have the 2020 and 2021 commencement celebrations on the National Mall this same weekend, 创造了百年庆典周末. 整个周末充满了活力和欢乐.

The University of Alabama Rising Tide campaign launch was our first public launch since 2006. 这是 also the first time we had ever asked our donors to sit down and watch a program. 我们的大学生已经习惯了我们过去的做事方式, 但我们需要换一种方式, 你以前没见过的东西, 因为这很大. This is important and we’re going to blow you away with our goal and we’re going to blow you away with our story. 这是我们该去的地方.

Many planning cycles were stretched thin as wave after wave of uneven news led to pause/stop/go decisions and caused changes in almost everything. 你是如何克服这些挑战的?

我们本来是要亲自来做200周年纪念的闭幕式的. 在大流行的环境下, that meant making the best possible experience for those people who were coming to campus.

而邻近的一所大学取消了同一周末的活动, 我们在这里感觉很舒服. 我们制定了强有力的COVID访客协议, we asked people to attest ahead of time whether they were fully vaccinated or not or could provide a negative test, 然后在登记时提供现场证明, 始终戴口罩.

我们到了需要上市的时候了. 是时候了. We originally said April, we pushed to September, and everything was going great. Alabama got hit by second wave of COVID in August, in terms of the event, at the worst possible time. We needed to go public because we were already at that 60% mark, we had already delayed once. We felt like we knew how to be safe with our mask mandate on campus and provided social distancing. If we were telling our students that they were expected to be in class each day, 我们觉得我们需要能够在一起. We did add a live stream option two weeks before the event so those who were uncomfortable attending in person could still participate. 我们继续前进,举办了一场精彩的开球活动.


一切都很顺利. If you took the pandemic out of it, everything worked beautifully – it really did. 学生的成分很好,学生的表现也很好. 体育和学术的结合很有趣. 我觉得我们的故事选得很好. 如果再来一次,我还是会用同样的方法.

When the person I worked most closely with on the script saw the Student Support section in person, 她说那是魔法. 这是, and we have used that clip with another group and are using it over and over because who better to tell the story of the Rising Tide than our students who are impacted?

项目一结束,一个理事就离开了我. 他说, “I thought I knew everything that went on at The University of Alabama and I learned so much tonight.“太神奇了。. 它使我不寒而栗. 如果你能让受托人兴奋起来,那就是一个巨大的胜利

人们真的很喜欢,因为这对我们来说太不一样了. They loved the food trucks; they loved the DC monument-styled selfie spots. 他们喜欢点亮灯的游戏. 这是 a little different from what GW normally does; it was more fun. 它的扣子没那么紧. 图书馆墙上的空中舞者,对我们来说是很新奇的. Now I have proof of concept that we can go outside of our comfort zone a little bit and people will enjoy it.



One thing that we had planned to do in the year leading up to kickoff were these very small campaign dinners, 10个人围坐在餐桌旁, 由总统的竞选志愿者主持, 就大学的愿景进行了非常尖锐的对话. 它们正在发生. 有人来参加开球仪式, 但现在都去参加这些小型晚宴, 有, 再一次。, 他们从未有过的另一种体验. 这些竞选晚宴进行得很顺利. We’ve had some six and seven figure gifts that are coming from each of these dinners. The combination of going to the kickoff event first and then going to these dinners, 人们都同意. And then very quickly – more quickly the normal – we’re closing significant gifts from them. 这种结合是令人兴奋和成功的. 这是我们以前从未做过的事情.



I would’ve cut off registration way ahead of the week before the Bicentennial Bash. 一个能容纳4500人的场地,有12000人,差不多13000人注册. 结果很好. Interesting to note the drop off – as we know, folks often register and don’t follow through.


我们发了一封简讯, 当代的“保存日期”卡片在四月送给我们的观众, but I think it should have instead been a letter from the President explaining the “not-to-be-missed” event that was coming.

我想我要推荐给大家的一件事是, 我希望我能给你一些建议, 确保预算立即签署. 但压力使它更新鲜. It’s (almost) like we created a stressful environment so that people would make decisions and not wait.

因此,我们创造了陆地速度记录来实现Bash. 这是 less than three months from final contract agreement and approval on the finance side to show day. We were very lucky we could start to go immediately because we had the creative plan developed ahead of time.

也, 在未来, I’d recommend 有 somebody from the University in the earliest calls with security teams to demonstrate that this is an event to pay attention to, 尽早且经常.


大约在活动前一个月, 我们快速回顾了整个周末总统的概念. We spent a good amount of time on the Bicentennial Bash in particular –most things stayed in the program, 至少有一大块被切掉了. 我很感激我们做到了.

It’s very important to have a dedicated person – a point person – who has some degree of autonomy with the campaign to make it work. 从我的角度来看,有一个小团队做决策是巨大的. I don’t know how you would do it if you had to assemble 10 or 12 or 15 people every time you were making a decision. 我不知道那是怎么回事.


As we head into the end of the year, we wish you all peaceful holidays and warm winter wishes.

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